FCI - Dobermann - Orelhas e Caudas em Exposições - CROPPED/DOCKED DOGS OF BREEDS CUSTOMARILY CROPPED
Segundo a FCI - Federação Internacional de Cinofilia - Não pode haver restrição de Dobermanns com orelhas e caudas cortadas, Estando os exemplares liberados para participar em Exposições. Válido para todas as exposições até 2024.
This measure applies from the date of its publication until December 31st, 2024.
Referring to our two earlier publications, dated 17/12/2015 (Dobermann) and 4/1/2016 (Cane Corso), the FCI General Committee conducted a detailed study of the situation which arose following the publication of some breed standards which were amended on basis of the standard modifications by the countries of origin of the breeds concerned.
Taking in consideration the importance of our breeders' interest and in order to provide clear guidance to our FCI judges as well as avoiding judging malpractice, the FCI General Committee made the following decision:
Countries where a ban on showing cropped/: in this case, the laws of the country being the highest authority, there is no possibility to show, at FCI sanctioned events, cropped/docked dogs of breeds customarily cropped/docked.
Countries where no ban on showing cropped/docked dogs exists: in this case, dogs of breeds customarily docked/cropped can be shown without any restriction, whether cropped/docked or not, at FCI sanctioned events, and there cannot be any discrimination, from the judges, between cropped and non-cropped dogs and between docked and non-docked dogs.